Здравствуйте, дорогие наши читатели! В нашей команде снова пополнение - замечательный дизайнер Monika Szczypka из Польши.
Передаю ей слово:
Hello :) My name is Monika. I'm 37. I live in south of Poland. I am happy wife and mother of 3. I love to work with photos, so i love to make albums, but it is not only this, what you can find on my blog. I love romantic style with full of flowers.
I'm very happy to can be here, I hope to inspire you with all what I will show on this blog.
It's my first inspiration for you and i wanted to show you my card in a box :)
I used: нож "После дождя - веточка" и нож "Россинки"